Welcome to the lab of richard b. primack at Boston university

Our lab conducts research in conservation biology, with a focus on how climate change affects the timing of seasonal biological events. Our lab's projects include:
Using Henry David Thoreau's field notes and current observations of leaf-out and flowering in Concord, MA to measure the effects of warming temperatures on plants at iconic Walden Pond
Conducting experiments on dormant twigs, and making field observations to understand the environmental drivers of spring leaf-out in temperate New England
Collaborating with an international network of botanic gardens to monitor the timing of leaf-out, leaf senescence, and fruiting
Using bird banding records to investigate changing migration times at Manomet banding station in Plymouth, MA
Examining patterns of species loss in Concord, MA and at Acadia National Park, ME
Investigating patterns of noise pollution in the Boston area
Exploring behaviors and biases in the scientific publication process
Documenting the ecological and conservation effects of the COVID lockdown
Using herbarium specimens to study mismatches in how wildflowers, shrubs, and trees are shifting leaf-out and flowering in response to warmer temperatures
Partnering with wildlife rehabilitation centers to investigate how climate change and human activities are impacting wildlife